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Best Night Time Fat Burners 2023, Top NightTime Fat Burner Brands Reviews and Comparisons

Just like in all industries, there are good, bad and mediocre products. We have reviewed, rated and compared most nighttime fat burners on market and listed them in order of effectiveness. Read on to find out which is the most effective nighttime fat burner for 2023.

Best Night Time Fat Burners

Night time fat burners have become arguably the most searched for type of weight loss supplements on the web. A fat burner that helps you lose weight and burn fat while you sleep - what's not to like?

Just like in all industries, there are good, bad and mediocre products. We have reviewed, rated and compared most nighttime fat burners on market and listed them in order of effectiveness. Read on to find out which is the most effective nighttime fat burner for 2023.

Best Night Time Fat Burner - Quick Look

Here are the five best nighttime fat burners for 2023:

1.?? ?PhenQ PM [editors choice]
2.?? ?Phen24
3.?? ?Instant Knockout Cut
4.?? ?LeanBean
5.???Prime Shred

Night Time Fat Burner Reviews and Comparison

Fat burners are one of the most popular types of weight management aid. Their ability to increase metabolism makes it possible to burn more calories than is possible by diet and exercise alone.

In recent years, there has been an exploding interest in nighttime fat burners. Metabolism slows down during sleep so this is perhaps not so surprising. It's easy to understand why so many people are keen to increase their calorie expenditure during the night and try to burn a little extra fat while they are sleeping.

However, although there are some very specialized dietary supplements that are designed to function as nighttime fat burners, there are some equally good daytime fat burners that deliver metabolism boosts that last well into the night.

It's important never to sell these options short. It's the results that count, not what it says on the tin.

In this article, we are going to introduce the five fat burners that offer the best level of weight loss support during the night. When you use any of them alongside a suitable weight loss diet, they will boost your metabolism and help you to burn extra calories and fat right around the clock.

The 5 Best Night time Fat Burners Compared

Now the introductions are out of the way, let's take a look at why these five options are so good.

#1. PhenQ- Best Night Time Fat Burner Overall


PhenQ is a multi-functional diet pill that speeds up metabolism, suppresses hunger, and provides many additional weight loss benefits.?

Since its launch in 2015, PhenQ has already helped more than 190,000 people to lose weight and you can buy this diet pill in confidence because it has a 60-day money-back guarantee.

PhenQ is marketed as a nighttime fat burner, the metabolism boost it provides will last well into the night, helping to increase your energy expenditure while you sleep.?

PhenQ Fat Burning Benefits

PhenQ supports weight loss in five ways:
●?? ?Burn calories 24 hours a day
●?? ?Suppresses hunger and cravings
●?? ?Increases metabolism and fat burning
●?? ?Boosts daytime energy levels
●?? ?Enhances mood
●?? ?Inhibits fat storage

Although people get hung up on the idea of nighttime fat burners, diet pills that support daytime weight loss have just as much to offer. PhenQ will also work throughout the day!

It doesn't matter how efficient your nighttime fat burner is, there are only so many calories you can burn during sleep. Due to increased activity levels, you will always burn more calories and fat during the day.

The problem is, following a low-energy diet causes problems with hunger and fatigue. It can also affect mood. PhenQ helps in all these areas during the day while also ensuring your metabolism remains faster at night.

PhenQ provides a little caffeine to increase energy during the day. However, the final dose is at lunchtime. By the time you go to bed, the stimulatory effects of caffeine will have worn off. There is no need to worry about the supplement interfering with sleep.

PhenQ Fat Burning Ingredients

Although caffeine is primarily included to help prevent daytime fatigue and midday energy slumps, it's also a proven fat burner. [1]

However, although caffeine will help accelerate energy expenditure and fat loss during the day, it will not offer any assistance during the night.

Fortunately, PhenQ provides additional fat burners that will.

PhenQ contains a branded capsicum extract called Capsimax. The capsaicin it provides supports weight loss in multiple ways. One of the main things it does is increase 24-hour energy expenditure.

However, it also suppresses hunger and its relationship with brown adipose (BAT) tissue is particularly interesting.

BAT is a type of body fat that is normally more prevalent in babies than adults. It's less bulky than the white adipose tissue (WAT) that builds up around the midsection when we consume too many calories.

BAT is a fat-burning fat that increases calorie expenditure via a process known as non-shivering thermogenesis.

Capsaicin activates BAT. By doing this, it increases metabolism?around the clock. In addition to speeding up calorie expenditure and fat loss, day and night, BAT also supports long-term weight loss. [2, 3]

The other important fat-burning ingredient in PhenQ is an exciting proprietary compound called a-Lacys Reset. It pairs alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) and cysteine.

Although it sounds like it may be a chemical-based ingredient, it's not. ALA is an antioxidant that you can get from certain foods and cysteine is an amino acid.

ALA is capable of providing fat loss on its own. [4] Cysteine lacks this ability while acting alone but greatly enhances the weight loss capabilities of ALA. The combination has been shown to be capable of producing a 7.4% reduction in body fat while also delivering modest increases in muscle mass.

#2. Phen24 - Best Day Time and Nighttime Fat Burner?


As the name suggests, Phen24 is a weight management product that's designed to deliver 24-hour improvements in fat burning.

You would never guess it from the price, because it costs no more than any of the other top fat-burning supplements. However, Phen24 is a two-part weight management system that consists of two different products:

●?? ?Phen24 Day
●?? ?Phen24 Night

Although both sets of pills share certain things in common, there are distinct differences between them. Phen24 Day is designed to boost daytime energy levels, while Phen24 night helps you to wind down and enjoy better quality sleep.

However, both sets of pills boost metabolism and suppress hunger.

The ability of this nighttime fat burning supplement to improve sleep is very useful. Many people do not sleep as soundly as they should. This can lead to daytime irritability and can also make people more prone to sugar cravings and comfort eating.

These problems are largely due to the way poor sleep can influence cortisol levels. [5]

The fact that Phen24 Night supports better sleep is a big deal. It's also one of the reasons the supplement has become so popular.

Phen24 Fat Burning Benefits

Phen24 supports weight loss in the following ways:
●?? ?Controls hunger and cravings
●?? ?Increases metabolism and fat burning
●?? ?Boosts daytime energy
●?? ?Aids a good night's sleep

Phen24 Fat-Burning Ingredients

Phen24 provides capsaicin. Most of the best nighttime fat burners have it, but that's not surprising. As we have already pointed out, it's a natural compound that increases 24-hour energy expenditure and supports weight loss in other ways as well. [2]

However, capsaicin is only present in the daytime formula. The nighttime fat burner contains green tea instead. Green tea is a very popular natural fat burner and there is a mountain of evidence that proves that it works.

Like capsaicin, green tea is capable of providing a 24-hour energy boost. [6]

Phen24 night also provides choline bitartrate. Supplement manufacturers use this ingredient to provide choline.

Choline is occasionally used in brain pills because it enhances cerebral function. However, the Phen24 nighttime fat burner contains a source of choline because research shows the compound improves lipid metabolism and helps secure rapid reductions in body mass. [7]

Phen24 contains hops extract as well. It's a very useful inclusion that serves two important roles.

The first thing the ingredient does is enhance circadian rhythm. [8] This improves sleep quality. Equally important hops extract also accelerates nighttime fat burning. Interestingly, research suggests the ingredient can be particularly useful for targeting visceral fat (belly fat). [9]

#3. Instant Knockout Cut - Best Pre Workout Nighttime Fat Burner

Instant Knockout Cut

Instant Knockout Cut is a supplement that's extremely popular with people who like to hit the gym regularly or do sports. It is a highly specialized fat burner and appetite suppressant that's designed to support the needs of professional fighters.

Although Instant Knockout Cut is not designed with nighttime fat burning in mind, it still functions well in this role and is a "cut" above the rest when it comes to boosting metabolism and helping to support fat loss during sleep.

Instant Knockout is quite high in caffeine, but the last dose of the day is at 5 pm so the energy boost the fat burning supplement provides will have worn off before it's time to hit the sack.

The formulation provides vitamin D as well. The manufacturers probably include the nutrient because it functions as a testosterone booster. However, research shows vitamin D is good for improving sleep quality as well. [10]

Instant Knockout Cut Fat Burning Process

Instant Knockout Cut does the following:
●?? ?Enhances natural fat burning
●?? ?Suppresses hunger and food cravings
●?? ?Boosts daytime energy?
●?? ?Supports improvements in training capability and muscle mass

Instant Knockout Cut Fat-Burning Ingredients

Instant Knockout Cut provides two of the best natural metabolism boosters known to man and woman. We have mentioned both of them before, so you should already be familiar with their natural fat burning abilities. We are, of course, talking about capsaicin and green tea. [2, 6]

Instant Knockout Cut provides L-theanine too. It's an amino acid that's generally extracted from green tea, though certain species of mushrooms provide it too.

L-theanine regulates caffeine response, helping to prevent jitters and similar side effects. It also provides relaxation and has proven value as a sleep aid. [11]

Studies involving obese mice suggest L-theanine may support weight loss too by aiding the conversion of WAT to BAT. [12]

#4. LeanBean - Best Nighttime Fat Burner for Women Over 50


LeanBean is one of the best nighttime fat burners for women. Like most of the top weight loss pills, this supplement is not specifically designed for use at night, but it is made for overweight and obese women.

The main advantage Leanbean has over other supplements is it provides ingredients that regulate female hormones. By doing this, LeanBean helps prevent the weight issues that can occur due to ovulation and menopause.

Leanbean is also an excellent option for people who prefer to avoid caffeine. It does not provide any stimulants at all and is especially tough on hunger. Leanbean is a stimulant free fat burner.

If you tend to wake up feeling hungry in the middle of the night and go off in search of a midnight feast, LeanBean can help you to make this type of behavior a thing of the past.

LeanBean Benefits as a Weight Loss Supplement

This is what LeanBean does:
●?? ?Increases metabolism and fat loss
●?? ?Targets stubborn belly fat
●?? ?Controls hunger and cravings
●?? ?Fights diet-related fatigue and mid-day energy slumps
●?? ?Helps you to smash through plateaus

LeanBean Fat Burning Ingredients

LeanBean provides choline. As you may recall, we have already detailed this ingredient's value as a natural fat burner. [7]

LeanBean provides a decent dose of zinc as well. Although it sounds like an unlikely addition, research supports using this mineral to enhance the body's ability to burn fat. [13]

Garcinia cambogia is another notable inclusion. It's a fruit extract that provides hydroxycitric acid (HCA).

HCA gets a lot of attention due to its ability to control hunger. It also hinders the body's ability to create fresh stores of fat. Research suggests HCA may have particular value when it comes to reducing the accumulation of visceral fat. [14]

#5. Prime Shred - NightTime Fat Burner Supplement for Men

Prime Shred

Prime Shred is another unlikely nighttime fat burner but one that has value just the same.

Like Instant Knockout Cut, Prime Shred is a popular fat burner with bodybuilders and people who like to train hard or do sports. The combination of natural ingredients the supplement provides is good for helping create a body that's nice and lean.

Prime Shred provides a decent dose of caffeine to increase metabolism and prevent daytime fatigue. However, you only take this option once per day, at breakfast. There is no need to worry about it keeping you awake at night. Prime Shred is one the best fat burners for men on the market for 2023.

Prime Shred Benefits

This is what Prime Shred does:
●?? ?Targets fat in stubborn areas
●?? ?Helps lower Body fat production and Body Mass Index
●?? ?Helps get your body lean and ripped
●?? ?Prevents future weight gain
●?? ?Makes it easier to break through plateaus

Prime Shred Fat Burning Ingredients
Now you know that it's only necessary to take this supplement at breakfast, you may be wondering how it can help you to burn extra fat at night.
There is no great mystery about it. As with all the best nighttime fat burners, Prime Shred harnesses the metabolism-boosting capabilities of capsaicin and green tea. [2, 6]

Prime Shred also provides green coffee bean extract.

Green coffee beans are high in chlorogenic acid, which has been shown to be very useful for accelerating fat loss and reducing waist circumference. [15]

The formulation has some L-theanine as well to help support improvements in sleep while further contributing to the supplement's abilities as a fat burner. [11, 12]

Rhodiola rosea is another notable inclusion. It offers many therapeutic benefits but the most notable one in this instance is its ability to promote restful sleep. [16]

Other NightTime Fat Burners to Consider?

Here are some good nighttime fat burner supplements that didn't make the cut. They are reputable brands but we do not consider them to be as effective as our top 5 night time fat burners for 2023.
●?? ?Lean PM
●?? ?InnoSupps Night Shred
●?? ?Envy Nutrition Night Time Fat Burner
●?? ?The Enclare Nutrition PM Fat Burner
●?? ?Nobi Nutrition Night Time Fat Burner for Women
●?? ?HerbTonics Night Time Burn
●?? ?RevBurn PM For Her
●?? ?Sheer Shred PM
●?? ?Naturewise Nighttime Slim
●?? ?Modern Man PM

Who Should Use a Night Time Fat Burner?

Those who are looking to lose fat and gain lean muscle mass should consider adding a night time fat burner to their routine. Such supplements are designed to be taken shortly before bed, allowing their ingredients to get right to work while the user is asleep.?

This type of supplement works best when used concurrently with a healthy diet and regular exercise program, as they can help reach fitness goals more quickly through accelerated weight loss.?

In particular, an individual that leads a busy lifestyle and struggles to squeeze in enough time for regular workouts or is having difficulty sticking with their dietary habits could benefit from using nighttime fat burner supplements.

What is a Night Time Fat Burner?

A nighttime fat burner is a dietary supplement designed to help the body reduce its fat content by facilitating the breakdown of stored energy during periods of rest.?
These night time fat burners are composed of ingredients known to increase natural metabolism and reduce the stress causes of weight gain, such as cortisol.?

Common ingredients found in these supplements may include melatonin, l-carnitine, green tea extract, chromium picolinate, and other thermogenic herbs. Each ingredient serves a different purpose; for example, some compounds like l-carnitine can aid in transporting fatty acids away from fat cells for burning as energy for athletic performance or supporting daily activity during fasting.?

Evening time fat burners are deemed an effective remedy for managing bodyweight regulations and obtaining desired physical goals without having to follow an extreme lifestyle.

How Do Night Time Fat Burners Work?

How do nighttime fat burners work? Night time fat burning supplements boost metabolism. So do daytime fat burners. When metabolism increases, you burn more calories and fat than you could with diet and exercise alone.

Some night time fat burner pills, such as Phen24, also help you to relax and sleep better. Unfortunately, many fat burners that are designed to be used at night contain melatonin. In our opinion, it's best to avoid this ingredient. None of the fat burners we recommend contain it.

Melatonin is a sleep hormone. Dietary supplement manufacturers have two versions available to them. One is extracted from animal pineal glands, the other is synthetic. Health supplement manufacturers seldom reveal which form they are using and most people are unlikely to relish the idea that they may be using supplements that might provide glandular extracts.

Regardless of the form manufacturers use, melatonin can cause side effects such as anxiety and depression. Many supplement users also find it causes daytime sleepiness.

Night terrors and bad dreams are two more possibilities. Neither one is acceptable and there is no need to risk reactions like these when ingredients such as hops extract can be such a good alternative.

What are the Limits of Nighttime Fat Burners?

Many people who use nighttime fat burners have unrealistic expectations. They hope to get up each morning, jump on the scales, and discover they have lost several pounds while they were asleep.

To make matters even worse, many people who are attracted to this type of product do not make sufficient efforts with diet and exercise. There are no magic pills. An effort is always required.

However, when used correctly and with realistic expectations, nighttime fat burners can be effective but most of the fat that you burn will probably go during the day.

It's no accident that all the supplements we recommend for nighttime fat burning provide 24-hour weight loss support.

How To Choose The Best Nighttime Fat Burners?

All the best nighttime fat burners contain ingredients that have proven fat-burning potential. When you are choosing any type of weight management supplement, it's always best to disregard the manufacturer's claims and follow the science.

All five of our recommended nighttime fat burner supplements have plenty of clinical data to back up their fat-burning capabilities.?

Some people struggle to sleep soundly, while others do not. If sleep does not normally come easy, it's best to choose nighttime fat burners that offer help in this area. One that helps a deep sleep cycle and helps those with trouble sleeping.

However, avoid nighttime fat burning supplements that provide melatonin. Go with ones that provide safer alternatives, such as hops extract, instead.?

How Much Does a Night Time Fat Burner Cost?

Cost varies, a premium PM focused fat burner or weight loss supplements will cost between $50 and $70 per month. There will usually be incentives to buy multiple months by offering discounts of free gifts. Most reputable supplement brands will offer a long refund policy - PhenQ PM for example offers a 60 day money back guarantee.

Cheap Nighttime Fat Burners

You can obviously buy cheap night time fat burner pills from Amazon and other online stores. I don't recommend you going down this route. No disrespect to Amazon but some of the fat burners and diet pills we have seen advertised are about $10 - $20, they soon go out of stock never to be seen again. So good luck getting some kind of refund.?

Some night time fat burner pills that you can buy from Amazon look as though they are just created to cash in and make money. This is another reason that we recommend PhenQ PM, Phen24 and Leanbean as superior nighttime fat burner supplements - they have been on the market for a few years and value their reputation.

You have to remember your health is important - cheap is not better.

FAQs About Nighttime Fat Burners

Can I take a nighttime fat burner alongside a daytime one?

Yes, absolutely. However, you may need to take note of the active ingredients and make sure none of them have the potential to clash.
This won't be an issue if you choose any of the fat burners on our list. Phen24 is a two-part system, while the other four options are intended to support daytime fat loss but provide a metabolism boost that continues throughout the night.

Do nighttime fat burners cause daytime sleepiness or grogginess?

None of the nighttime fat burning supplements we recommend present this issue, but many nighttime fat burners do. Especially ones that contain melatonin.?

Can a nighttime fat burner stop me from sleeping?

High levels of fat burning activities such as exercise, physical activity, and dietary restriction can definitely increase an individual's metabolism during the day but using a fat burner taken just before bed may cause serious issues with sleep.?

As these supplements contain stimulants like caffeine and guarana extract which stimulate the body and promote alertness, they can prevent people from falling asleep completely or cause them to become restless throughout the night.?

Although it can be effective in terms of its intended purpose, taking fat burners at night should be done with careful consideration as they can disrupt natural cycles of sleep and rest.

Dedicated nighttime fat burner supplements work a little differently and should interfere with your sleep cycle. Most nighttime fat burners have a sleep aid ingredient in the formula and so promote sleep and actually enhance your chances of better sleep cycles.

What's the best way to use a nighttime fat burner?

As with any other type of supplement, it's always best to use nighttime fat burners according to the manufacturer's instructions.
It's also important to use nighttime fat burners alongside a well-structured weight loss plan. Where possible this should combine low-calorie dieting with regular exercise.

How long before I see results of a nighttime fat burner supplement?

Weight loss results always vary from one person to the next. However, the people who have the strictest diets normally tend to attain the fastest results.
However, most people should be able to attain weight losses of 1-3 pounds per week without breaking a sweat.

Do Nighttime fat burners cause side effects?

Side effects should not be an issue with any of our recommended products. However, some nighttime fat burners provide melatonin and/or other ingredients that may cause daytime sleepiness and/or other side effects.

Research Sources

1. Caffeine: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Its Thermogenic, Metabolic, and Cardiovascular Effects in Healthy Volunteers:

2. Dietary capsaicin and its anti-obesity potency: from mechanism to clinical implications:

3. Non-shivering Thermogenesis Signaling Regulation and Potential Therapeutic Applications of Brown Adipose Tissue:

4. Alpha-Lipoic Acid (Ala) As a Supplementation for Weight Loss: Results From a Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials:

5. Stress, Cortisol, and Obesity: A Role for Cortisol Responsiveness in Identifying Individuals Prone to Obesity:

6. Efficacy of a Green Tea Extract Rich in Catechin Polyphenols and Caffeine in Increasing 24-H Energy Expenditure and Fat Oxidation in Humans:

7. Effect of Choline Supplementation on Rapid Weight Loss and Biochemical Variables Among Female Taekwondo and Judo Athletes:

8. The Sedative Effects of Hops (Humulus Lupulus), a Component of Beer, on the Activity/Rest Rhythm:

9. Matured Hop Extract Reduces Body Fat in Healthy Overweight Humans: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Parallel Group Study:

10. Vitamin D Supplementation and Sleep: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Intervention Studies:

11. In Search of a Safe Natural Sleep Aid:

12. l-Theanine Activates the Browning of White Adipose Tissue Through the AMPK/α-Ketoglutarate/Prdm16 Axis and Ameliorates Diet-Induced Obesity in Mice:

13. Zinc Supplementation Improves Body Weight Management, Inflammatory Biomarkers and Insulin Resistance in Individuals With Obesity: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Trial:

14. Effects of Garcinia Cambogia (Hydroxycitric Acid) On Visceral Fat Accumulation: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial:

15. Coffee Abundant in Chlorogenic Acids Reduces Abdominal Fat in Overweight Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial:

16. Targets and Underlying Mechanisms Related to the Sedative and Hypnotic Activities of Saponins From Rhodiola Rosea L. (Crassulaceae):

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