As the Ukraine war or the war over Ukraine- emblematic ?of ?the deteriorating relations between the ‘East and the ‘West’- grinds on and as alliances- real and implicit- that inform the ‘dividing line’ of Cold War 2.0 shape up, reviewing the nature of the emerging world order may be easy. ( The use of the word ‘emblematic’ is not to demean or underplay the sufferings of Ukrainians. It is merely to illustrate a point). The real issue and question is not the nature of world order (or disorder) and the emergent Cold War 2.0-a foregone conclusion- but to tease out the possibility and potential of global peace, stability and co-existence: Can, given the rumblings of world disorder, induced by the war over Ukraine , as counterintuitive as it may sound , concentrate minds and lead to a consensus over peace? Is peace the concomitant of stability or vice versa? And can either be the predicate for co-existence among and between states and civilizations? Last but not the least, can an inter-civilizational dialogue give short shrift to frisson and friction between civilizations, leading to a ‘new’ paradigm of amity and cooperation?