The problem for Muslims generally is that groups like Al-Muhajiroun, which revel in negative publicity andlace their rhetoric with anti-Semitism, homophobia and calls for jihad, have dominated the publicrepre-sent--ation of Islam. Their presence in a town can be deva-stating. In Luton, the local ‘branch’of Al-Muhajir-oun was attracting national headlines after two men from the town had gone to fight for theTaliban and had been killed in a US bombing raid on Kabul. Al-Muhajiroun, which has just six members in Luton,organised a ‘demonstration’ in memory of the two. Although only ten people turned up, racism against allthe town’s 20,000 Muslims increased. Once again, the majority were forced to suffer for the actions of atiny minority because of a lazy racism that lumps all Mus-lims together. Soon afterwards the leader of Luton’sAl-Muhajiroun, known as ‘Shahed’, was beaten up in the street by ‘moderate’ Muslims and warned offfrom continuing any activities in the town.